Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just What Happened to June?

Be warned, if you have a soft stomach or prefer not to know where your food comes from, maybe don't participate in this post....

As some of you may know, June was one of our first 13 chickens and one of two Australorps. June, much to my denial, surely turned out to be a rooster. We did as we had before with first Spencer and then Johnny and asked our friend if she had room on her farm for yet another rooster. Sadly, this time she denied us. I can't blame her really, she had her own roosters before we added our own to her troupe. I supposed this meant it was up to us to figure out an alternative route of dealing with unwanted roosters.

Luckily for our friend Chris, we knew just what to do.

I started by doing a bit of internet searching for a do-it-yourself solution. I found this wonderful blog about a family that has done it themselves with detailed instructions. How-to-Butcher-Chicken-Easy-Way helped me figure this all out. Now Josh and I made our own changes to the processes with Chris's help.

There are no pictures of either the butchering or the recipe, we simply forgot to take any... and our hands were full.... and sorry, I can't really remember what I did for the recipe, so I can't share it...

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